Chinese Birth Chart

The Chinese Birth Chart is also known as the Chinese Birth Calendar or the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar. It is important when using the Chinese Birth Chart, to use it the correct way to predict baby gender.*
To use the Chinese Birth Chart, read the instructions below and follow the link to the chart.

Here's a chinese birth chart example if you get confused

Directions for the Chinese Birth Chart

1. Go to the Chinese Pregnancy Calendar page, then follow the steps below to get your most accurate results.
2. Take note of the mother's age at the time of conception.
3. Take note of the month when the baby was conceived.
4. Locate that month on the top portion of the Chart and the age on the left side of the chart. (Example)
5. Finally, follow each row and column on the Chinese Birth Calendar to the spot where they meet and intersect, and look for the corresponding box labeled B for boy, or G for girl (they have also been color coded pink or blue as well).

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