The acid in both the tomato and lemon in this mask will work on acne and blackheads.
tomatos are packed with anti -oxidants.
wile lemon juice is used for many consmetic used, because of its know healing powder, and is also said
to bring a glow to the skin.
for this mask, you will nee...
1 over-ripe tomato.

1 tsp lemon juice.

1 tse intant oatmeal

thats all! lets
get started....
1. scoop the inside of the tomato out into
a bowl and mash it up.
2. blend all of the ingredients together.
3. apply the mask to your clean
make-up free face and leave on for
10-15 minutes.
4. now wash the mask off with warm water
and pat face dry.
and your done!

Your skin should now feel silky smooth and refreshed and the acid in the tomato and lemon
will work on clearing up any acne and balckheads.